Fedoroff Basil T. - Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 3 of 10

Authors : Fedoroff Basil T. - Sheffield Oliver E.
Title : Encyclopedia of Explosives and Related Items - Vol 3 of 10
Year : 1966

Link download : Fedoroff_Basil_T_-_Encyclopedia_of_Explosives_and_Related_Items_-_Vol_3_of_10.zip

This volume represents a continuing effort co cover comprehensively the unclassifled subject matter, ln the same matter & fermat, as in Volumes I & II. The rea der .is urged to obtain the previous volumes and to read bath the PREFACE and INTRODUCTION in Volume I in arder to understand the authors' way of treating the subject matter. In the writing of the Encyclopedia, the authors have consulted freely w.ith, and have had the cooperation of, many individuals who have comributed their expert knowîedge. This face is acknowiedged throughout the cext ar the end of the subject icem. A listing of many ethers who have been consulted or who have helped in ether ways would be impractical. Mr Earle F. Reese of the Propellants Labora-• tory, Picatinny Arsenal, contrîbuted sîgnîficantly by collecting sorne references, writing and reviewing sorne portions of the manuscript, and by helpful discussions in other areas. Mr L. H. Erlksen, Director, Feltman Research Laboratocies, Picatinny Arsenal, bas authorized & approved this pro.iect, and thru his interest, encouragement & guidance this publication is possible. This Encyclopedia was prepared by per· sonnel assigned to the Explosives Laboratory of FRL, Dr R.F. Walker, Chief. All reference works used (reports, perlodicals, journals & books) were made available to the authors thcu the cooperation of PA Scientific & Technical Information Branch personnel, Mr M. A. Castello, Chief. Mr John P. Noonan, Chief of the Ted1nlcal Publications Section,and other personnel of the Section reviewed the manuscript in draft, checked the galley sheets, and revîewed the final copy Aithough considerable effort has been maàe co presem this information as ac· curately as possible, mistakes & errors in transcription do occur. Therefore, the authors welcome the readers to feel free to point out mistakes, errors & omissions of important works, so that corrections & additions can be listed in the next volume. The interpretations of data and opinions expressed are often chose of the au thors and are not necessarily tho se nor the responsibility of officiais of Picatinny Arsenal or the Department of the Army. This report has been prepared for information purposes only and neither Pica· tinny Arsenal nor the Department of the Army shaH be responsible for any events or decisions arising from the use of the information contained herein. ...

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