Steiner Rudolf - Practical advice to teachers

Author : Steiner Rudolf
Title : Practical advice to teachers
Year : 1919

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Foreword. Before the opening of the first Waldorf school, Rudolf Steiner met with the group of teachers who were preparing themselves for their new task. For fourteen days, from August 20 to September 5, 1919, he gave these teachers a foundation for an understanding of the growing human being in body, soul, and spirit. This understanding made it possible for the teachers to call forth the true artists in themselves, enabling them to create their lessons out of imaginative and inspired thought pictures. Rudolf Steiner began the day with the lectures that are collected in The Foundations of Human Experience (previously titled The Study of Man); then he followed these with the practical advice contained in the lectures of this book. The sessions which are known under the title Discussions with Teachers followed in the afternoons. Together these three books constitute the solid foundation upon which every Waldorf teacher can build, for, as we hear at the beginning of the first lecture of this book, Waldorf teaching methods will have to differ from other methods. They will draw on the teacher’s spiritual-scientific understanding of the child and of the time in which they live. ...

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