Humphries Suzanne - Rising from the dead

Author : Humphries Suzanne
Title : Rising from the dead
Year : 2016

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Introduction The Walking Dead ? I was among the ‘walking dead’ for many years. Fortunately the homing device that every human has, never stopped sending out signals and waiting for a response. After many course corrections, I finally reached my destination—to start a new journey. It’s been an interesting and adventurous ride. Certain types of dissatisfaction can be helpful and in some ways, so can unhappiness. Why? Because those sentiments have the capacity to usher in change in a person’s life. In the midst of my dispiritedness, others were traveling the same path. Surveys today reveal that around 50% of doctors would like to leave the profession and nearly half would not recommend it to their children or friends. Doctors want more time to spend with each patient to be able to practice rational, individually tailored medicine, rather than being forced to order a pre-selected set of tests expected of them. They are tired of the demands placed on them by the conveyor-belt type of ‘best practice’ protocols dictated by insurance companies and so-called health experts. Despite their despondency, most doctors will not leave. They will be medically manacled by huge debt, or if they have paid that off, will bide their time, riding the cash wave as indemnity for the lack of gratification. I surfed the cash wave for a few years, but it was not sufficient propitiation for my soul. This book was written to show how the medical system takes the brightest of students, the cream of the crop-and turns them into trained technicians, slowly killing commonsense and their hopes of seeing lasting cures. The training dampens their initiative and traps them in blinkered thinking patterns, beneath a dangling guillotine of huge student loans, which hang over their necks indefinitely. ...

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