Gittleman Ann Liouse - The fat flush fitness plan

Author : Gittleman Ann Liouse
Title : The fat flush fitness plan Reshape your body while melting fat from your jips, waist, arms, & thighs. The perfect fitness plan for low-carb dieters !
Year : 2004

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Preface. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. MARCEL, PROUST. What If It’s All Been a Big, Fat Lie? That’s the title of a landmark article in the New York Timesquestioning what up to now has been the reigning orthodoxy in U.S. diet and nutrition. “Low-fat weight-loss diets have proved . . . to be dismal failures,” writes Gary Taubes in the July 7, 2002, article. 1 As scientists from the U.S. Department of Agri-culture to the Harvard School of Public Health now realize, eliminating fat from our diets does not reduce the rate of heart disease—but it has helped increase the rate of obesity. Between 50 and 80 percent of the U.S. popula-tion is overweight, 2 in part because their diets are deficient in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats that actually help your body metabolize fat. But low-fat diets aren’t the only culprit in today’s skyrocketing obesity statistics. If you are concerned about weight gain or weight retention, you may be surprised to learn that the culprits may also include stress, lack of sleep, and, very possibly, excess exercise. That’s right. Too much exercise can actually make it harder for you to lose weight. Although it’s true that many Americans don’t exercise enough, it’s also true that some exercise too much. Overexercise—especially com-bined with insufficient sleep, excessive stress, and poor eating habits—can actually send your body into survival mode, raising your levels of cortisol and other stress-related hormones and instructing your body to hold onto its fat. There is an alternative to the world of unbalanced diet and exercise plans—and this is it. My work as a nutritionist has taken me on an incredi-ble journey over the past fifteen years, from work at the Pritikin Center—a major advocate of low-fat diets—to a gradual disillusioment with their approach and the ongoing evolution of mine. When I first published Beyond Pritikin in 1988, I was just starting to grasp the principles on which all my subsequent work has been based: detoxifying and cleansing the liver, combating the excess production of insulin, and taking a holistic, nurturing approach to women’s bodies, supporting their overall health as a crucial ele-ment in enabling them to lose weight. At that point, I had created only a two-week version of the Fat Flush Plan. By the time I published The Fat Flush Plan, I had developed a lifelong program that empowers women to lose weight through detoxification, cleansing, balanced nutrition, and the creation of a healthy lifestyle. I went on to publish The Fat Flush Cookbookand The Fat Flush Journal and Shopping Guide, and I founded the Forum in 2003 to offer ongoing support to women and men seeking to maintain this healthy approach for the rest of their lives. But I sensed that a major element was still missing. Although there were some elements of a fitness program in The Fat Flush Plan, many of my readers and Internet community members wanted a more structured fitness program. They wanted to know what kinds of exercise would support their new way of eating, their new respect and love for their bodies, their new holistic approach to health. They wanted to be sure that if they lost large amounts of weight, their skin would stay toned and firm. And, like most women in our society, they wanted to target their hips, thighs, abs, arms, and derrieres, becoming slimmer and more shapely as they lost pounds and inches. Enter Joanie Greggains, a San Francisco-based fitness expert who has been a pioneering voice for balance in exercise. From the first, Joanie has pointed out that a balanced exercise program combining cardiovascular activities with strength training and stretching is far more effective for weight loss and body shaping than a punishing exercise program where the body is constantly under stress to perform and never has time to repair, a type of exercise that can lead to weight gain, fatigue, and injury. I first met Joanie when she invited me to be a guest on her KGO Radio talk show in San Francisco in 1992. Joanie had picked up on my work right away, and as my approach to eating has evolved, Joanie has shared it with the thousands of women who enroll in her fit camps, in which about a dozen women meet once a week for four weeks to learn about diet, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle choices based on fact, not fiction. Joanie is the author of two important fitness books, Total Body Shape Upand Fit Happens, as well as the producer and star of some fifteen exercise videos, for which she’s won two gold record awards, nine gold video-casettes, and six platinum cassettes. She was the host and star of Morning Stretch, a syndicated half-hour TV exercise show that ran in over 100 mar-kets through the 1990s, and she continues to be a sought after speaker on health and fitness. But it wasn’t her star power that attracted me most, or the strong per-sonal friendship that the two of us developed over the years. It wasn’t even the fact that, through more than a decade of recommending the Fat Flush eating plan to her fit camp members, Joanie had lots of hands-on experience observing women on my eating plan, giving her a solid base of knowledge with which to design a companion fitness program. These things were important. But even more important was the fact that, like me, Joanie was something of a maverick, going up against the exer-cise establishment just as I had taken on the diet world. During the years when I was arguing that a low-fat diet actually creates weight gain, fatigue, sugar cravings, and other serious problems, Joanie was explaining that overexercise and high-impact fitness programs were actually creating health problems for women, sabotaging their weight loss efforts and ultimately sap-ping their energy. Just as I was trying to create an eating plan that would nur-ture every woman’s body, mind, and spirit, so was Joanie working toward an approach to exercise designed to work with the body, not against it. For both of us, the Fat Flush approach has become the exciting culmi-nation of our efforts, separately and together. We’ve worked closely to create The Fat Flush Fitness Plan, based on a single basic biological premise: cleansing the liver and the lymphatic system is absolutely crucial for physi-cal health, weight loss, and an overall sense of well-being. Women who detox their livers and get their lymph flowing—two goals that these eating and fitness plans are perfectly designed to do—notice that they have clear, glowing skin; firm, toned bodies; and virtually unbounded reserves of energy. As an added bonus, this approach to eating and fitness seems also to make cellulite less visible—at least, that’s what hundreds of women who’ve tried our plan have told us. Although the Fat Flush Fitness Plan has been designed to support the Fat Flush eating plan, you can just buy this book and start exercising. I promise that you’ll feel better, look better, and astound your friends, family, coworkers, and loved ones with the amazing levels of energy you acquire in just a few days. If you’re intrigued by this approach, however, I urge you to pick up a copy of The Fat Flush Planas well, so that you can try the eating plan a1ong with the fitness plan. You’ll discover that it is an exponentially faster way of making progress toward your weight loss and fitness goals, reshaping your body even as you boost your mental focus, calm your emo-tions, release your stress, and discover levels of energy and serenity that you could only dream about before. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating. But I’m not. Both Joanie and I have seen this plan work for literally thousands of women—and for our-selves as well. So welcome to the Fat Flush community. I look forward to sharing the fruits of our labors with you. Ann Louise Gittleman. ...

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