Moritz Andreas - Vaccine-nation

Author : Moritz Andreas
Title : Vaccine-nation Poisoning the population, one shot at a time
Year : 2011

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Introduction. I was never vaccinated against any disease. My mother, whose family included well respected medical physicians, refused to give in to the pressure of school officials and mainstream doctors who told her in no uncertain terms that she placed my brother and me in harm’s way by not subjecting us to the recommended inoculations. However, her strong maternal instinct prevailed; she believed only in natural ways of developing resistance to disease. When we eventually did experience some of the typical childhood illnesses, she told us that this was a necessary part of developing natural immunity, and we had no reason to believe otherwise. Neither my brother nor I have ever suffered from an infectious disease in over five decades, except for coming down with an occasional cold. In the early 1980s, I began researching the theory behind the presumed need for individual and mass vaccinations and uncovered serious flaws, non-truths, and outright deceptions in the ‘science’ supporting it. Accordingly, I found no scientific merit at all to uphold the idea that vaccines somehow protect us against disease by stimulating the production of antibodies. Furthermore, I learned that the data which led to the unilateral acceptance of vaccination as the only way to control infectious disease was fixed or misrepresented. Falsified evidence has given nearly everyone the impression that vaccines have prevented disease epidemics. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take, for example, the case of the flu vaccine, which is being pushed on babies, adults and the elderly year in, year out. The Cochrane Collaboration regularly reviews the scientific literature comprising new studies on the effectiveness of flu vaccines. Yet, after having investigated hundreds of these studies so far, there is still no shred of evidence that the flu vaccine has protective effects compared to placebo. The complete lack of clinical evidence to support vaccination as a method of disease prevention speaks for itself. Vaccination has not only failed to prevent disease; it has become one of its greatest contributors. What you are about to read in this book may come as a shock to you, but please be assured that almost every statement in this book is backed by verifiable scientific facts. ...

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