Crabb Riley Hansard - Thompson Thomas Maxwell - Implosion Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy

Authors : Crabb Riley Hansard - Thompson Thomas Maxwell
Title : Implosion Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy
Year : 1985

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It has been clearly and conclusively established already that technology in its various experimental and practical attempts to procuce useful energy resorts only to pressure forces (water, steam, air or gas pressure) or that it makes either direct, or indirect use of the heat of combustion to produce expansion and explosion — again pressure forces -- which it then converts to useful energy. Thus we have established the fact that so far technology has only partly recognized the significance of Nature's polarity. Only after having explored the above mentioned deeper psychological factors do we begin to understand why it has seemed preferable to utilize the pressure component. This totally onesided attitude in regard to the production of energy is responsible for the fact that the essential balance of the bipolar structure of the basic natural elements has been severly upset and all life on earth put in gravest danger of extinction. All life has its secret in dipolarity. Without opposite poles there can be no attraction, and no repulsion. Without attraction and repulsion there can be no movement, and without the latter, no life. Light calls for darkness, because without darkness it would have no meaning. The alternation of warmth and cold, of day and night is also of greatest importance to our planet. While one side of the earth is cooling, its other side is getting warmer. These temperature differences produce a constant flux which results in a spiral rotation just as it happens with hot and cold air fronts whose meeting results in cyclones and hurricanes. There are even differences in the earth's weight, because on its warm side the weight increase is absolute and on the cold side specific. This, together with the magnetic forces, produces a declining rotational movement. The temperature differences exert a constant pressure which sets the masses in motion as it seeks compensation. ...

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