Nakabayashi Sadaki - Judo

Author : Nakabayashi Sadaki
Title : Judo
Year : 1966

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Foreword. "Judo" is but one item in a compre-hensive list of sports instruction aids made available on a non-profit basis by The Athletic Institute. The photographic material in this book has been reproduced in total from The Athletic Institute's sound. color filmstrip kit, "Judo." This book and the filmstrips are parts of a program designed to bring the many benefits of athletics, physical education and recreation to every-one. The Athletic Institute is a non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of athletics. physical education and recreation. It functions on the premise that athletics and recreation bring benefits of inestimable value to the individual and to the community. The nature and scope of the many Institute programs are determined by an advisory committee of selected persons noted for their outstandmg knowledge. experience and ability in the fields of athletics. physical education and recreation. It is their hope. and the hope of the Institute, that through this book, the reader will become a better Judo player. skilled in the fundamentals of this fine activity. Knowledge, and the practice necessary to mold knowledge into actual ability. are the keys to real enjoyment of Judo. ...

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