Liu Zhanwen - Liu Liang - Essentials of Chinese medicine Volume 1

Authors : Liu Zhanwen - Liu Liang
Title : Essentials of Chinese medicine Volume 1 Foundations of chinese medicine
Year : 2009

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Foreword. The Essentials of ChineseMedicine is a text book intended for international students who wish to gain a basic understanding of Chinese Medicine (CM) at the university level. The idea of writing such a text was originated from the Sino-American Consortium for the Advancement of Chinese Medicine (SACACM), which was founded in February 2000. In 1995, the British Hong Kong Administration set up a Preparatory Committee for the Development of Chinese Medicine to look into ways of bringing Chinese medical practice and herbal trade under proper control and regulation. After the reunification of Hong Kong with mainland China in 1997, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region continued the efforts to uplift the practice of CM to a fully professional level through legislation. To help bring up a new generation of professional CM practitioners, the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) obtained approval from the Government’s university funding authority to develop a School of Chinese Medicine to prepare students who will meet the future professional requirements through public examinations. In order to establish itself quickly as a rigorous provider of university level CM education, HKBU sought alliance with eight major CM universities in the Chinese Mainland, and one US university which was interested in developing CM education within its medical college. As a result, the Consortium known as SACACM was formed, with ten founding institutions from Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Shandong, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Heilongjiang, Hong Kong, and the United States. (The University of Macau and the Macao University of Science and Technology joined the Consortium 2 years later.) One of the first projects the Consortium decided to pursue was the writing of a high quality CM text book in English to be endorsed by the member institutions as the foundation for the study of traditional Chinese medicine. The Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, being one of the oldest and better developed institutions in the field, was nominated to be the coordinating university for the project, with the active assistance of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China (SATCM). The initial funding for the project was provided by the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Ohio University of the USA. An editorial committee was formed to decide on the general coverage and level of the text, and each of the member universities of CM were requested to nominate their senior professors to write the assigned chapters according to their fields of specialty. ...

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