Leung Ping-Chung - Xue Charlie Chang-li - Chinese medicine Modern practice

Authors : Leung Ping-Chung - Xue Charlie Chang-li
Title : Chinese medicine Modern practice Annals of traditional chinese medicine Volume 1
Year : 2005

Link download : Leung_Ping-Chung_-_Xue_Charlie_Chang-li_-_Chinese_medicine_Modern_practice.zip

Preface to Series. Does Traditional Chinese Medicine Work ? History should be acknowledged and respected. Despite this, the historical value of Chinese medicine in China and some parts of Asia should not be used as the only important evidence of efficacy. While clinical science has followed closely the principles of deductive research in science and developed its methodology of wide acceptance, there is a natural demand from both users and service providers that the same methodology be applied to the traditional art of healing. There should be only one scale for the measurement of efficacy. Thus, evidencebased medicine, which apparently is the only acceptable form of treatment, would also claim its sovereignty in Chinese medicine. In spite of influential proponents and diligent practitioners, efforts relating to the application of evidence-based medicine methodology to Chinese medicine research have been slow and unimpressive. This should not come as a surprise. Evidence-based medicine requires the knowledge of the exact chemistry of the drug used, the exact physical or chemical activities involved and above all, the biological responses in the recipient. All these are not known. Working back from the black box of old historical records of efficacy requires huge resources and time, if at all possible. Insistence on this approach would result in either unending frustrations or utter desperation. Parallel with the modern attempts, respectable Chinese medicine practitioners have unendingly and relentlessly cried out their objection to the evidence-based approach. They insisted that all the evidences were already there from the Classical Records. Forcing the classical applications through a rigid modern framework of scrutiny is artificially coating Chinese medicine with a scientific clothing that does not fit. ...

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