Karrass Chester L. - The negotiating game

Author : Karrass Chester L.
Title : The negotiating game
Year : 1994

Link download : Karrass_Chester_L_-_The_negotiating_game.zip

Despite the fact that man has stepped on the moon and harnessed the atom, he is still bargaining as he did in ancient times. If a fire-thousand-year-old Babylonian were to dress in a business suit and sit opposite us at the table, there is little reason to believe his methods would differ from ours. It is as though time stood still; as though the written word, the printing press, management and the scientific method had never been invented. Incredible as it may seem, this is the first book to integrate modem analytical thinking with good practice at the bargaining table. It is the product of almost twenty years experience as a negotiator and three years of intensive research. The logical methods developed are as applicable to lawyers and diplomats as they are to buyers and sellers. Negotiation is too serious a business to be treated superfiCially. This book will not guarantee that you will achieve success by following a list of do's and don'ts. I have yet to meet the experienced negotiator who attaches any importance to such a list. In this book the subject is treated in a mature and modem way. There is, after all, an explosion of new ideas in every field. Why not negotiation ? The book is divided into three parts. The first deals with a large experiment involving professional negotiators. This study sought to discover how skilled men achieved their objectives not only when they had power but when they did not The second part looks at the heart of negotiation by exposing to your view elements such as power and aspiration level. These basic building blocks of bargaining, if understood, can spell the difference between good and mediocre performance. The third part is concerned with the practical realities of negotiating to win-through better strategy, tactics and organization. This work is founded on the assumption that men who negotiate know a good deal about their own business. They know how to buy, how to write an airtight clause, how to make a sale and how to conduct diplomacy. If they do not, this is hardly the place to learn. I am assuming that it is negotiation, not cost-analysis or legal doctrine, about which the reader wants to know more. There is, therefore, one emphasis only; and that is, to provide a practical method by which men can negotiate more effectively to win their objectives. ...

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