Gawain Shakti - Creative visualization

Author : Gawain Shakti
Title : Creative visualization
Year : 1995

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Publisher’s Preface to the Second Edition. In 1977, my friend Shakti Gawain and I started a small publishing enterprise. We had no capital and almost no experience, but after each small step we took, the next small step became obvious. I feel we were led into the publishing business by some higher power (or whatever you want to call it) far beyond either one of us. In 1978, Shakti wrote her first book, Creative Visualization. We initially printed two thousand copies of the book.We had to borrow money to pay the printing bill. I don’t recall that we spent anything at all on promotion; I don’t think we sent out even one review copy. But the print run sold out, quickly, purely through word of mouth. Booksellers kept telling us that people would come in, buy a copy, and return a few days later and want five or ten copies to give to their friends. The book initially sold itself—something I attribute to Shakti’s clear, beautiful writing style, as well as the solid content of the book. It was the kind of book people wanted to read and reread, the kind of book people cherished for everything it had given them. It was the rare kind of book that helped people make wonderful changes in their lives. ...

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