Garfinkel Simson - Database Nation

Author : Garfinkel Simson
Title : Database Nation The death of privacy in the 21st century
Year : 2000

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Foreword By Seccord. The CSP Forum initiative (funded by the EU FP7 SecCord2 CSA project) has a core objective of enabling enhanced collaboration through effective clustering of EU funded trust and security research projects. Funded research projects contribute to the larger work program of the commission. The CSP forum through its promotion of collaboration, encourages trust and security focused projects to work to create syner-gies, coming together as a community for greater impact. Projects need to prove collectively that as a program they have delivered good results with a high impact potential. This in turn clearly conveys to the decision/policy makers the need for such research and provides evidence of the potential and real impact of such funded research activities. Highlighting such a need for future investment in this research domain area demonstrates the continued need to have trust and security embedded in future EU work programs. With ICT technologies advancing at a rapid pace globally, this has a knock-on effect regarding policy and regulation. It is imperative that the ICT trust and security community demonstrate how they are contributing to this ever-changing and technically challenging world. The CSP forum continues in its analysis and clustering activities to pro-vide the bigger picture of what we are doing collectively, through the ongoing partici-pation and contributions from individual projects carrying out the research work. ...

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