Clay James H. - Pounds David M. - Basic clinical massage therapy

Authors : Clay James H. - Pounds David M.
Title : Basic clinical massage therapy integrating anatomy and treatment
Year : 2008

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Preface. Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment is primarily a textbook for advanced massage therapy students who have already acquired the basic skills of Swedish massage and are now pursuing additional training in clinical massage therapy. In this book, I define â€oeclinical massage therapy― as the use of manual manipulation of the soft tissues to relieve specific complaints of pain and dysfunction. As its title implies, our book integrates detailed anatomical information with basic clinical massage therapy techniques. By embedding illustrations of internal structures into photographs of live models, we are able to show exactly what muscle is being worked on, where it is, where it is attached, how it can be accessed manually, what kinds of problems it can cause, and one or more basic techniques for effectively treating it. The student can clearly see the involved structures in relation to surrounding structures, surface landmarks, and the therapist's hands. Therefore, this book offers a truly innovative visual and tactile understanding of anatomical spatial relationships integrated with the learning of treatment techniques, which has not been possible with traditional approaches. Our approach is possible only through teamwork. Although I have had chief responsibility for the text and Dave Pounds for the illustrations, we are truly co-authors, in that this project has been planned and executed by both of us working closely together from its very inception. Vicki Overman, an outstanding photographer, has worked with us in the first edition and shared our enthusiasm from the beginning. For the second edition, our photography is by Black Horse Studio in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. ...

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