Chen Ping - Diagnosis in traditional chinese medicine

Author : Chen Ping
Title : Diagnosis in traditional chinese medicine
Year : 1953

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Foreword. Diagnostics is an important component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), serving as the bridge between TCM theory and clinical practice. It includes not only diagnostic techniques, but also the theory and clinical application of pattern identification, which is regarded as the most significant aspect of TCM. The material for this book comes from many years of teaching TCM diagnostics to both Chinese medical students and university-level Western medical students. I created this book to provide my students with a more complete view of TCM diagnostics practice than has been available in English. I organized my course notes as tables because my English-speaking TCM students found the constant repetition of the main instructional categories (etiology, pathogenesis, and manifestation) confusing when repeated over and over again as narrative prose. This book consists of two parts. Part One systematically introduces the four diagnostic methods that are unique to TCM, with special emphasis on tongue inspection and pulse examination, the most important diagnostic methods. Part Two discusses the theory and clinical application of the different systems of pattern identification. The text is arranged into thirteen chapters. Chapter I introduces the main points in the development of TCM diagnostics. Chapters II-V examine the four diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, interrogation, and palpation and pulse examination. The chapter on interrogation includes symptom patterns, given in the form of tables that list the characteristics of each symptom or sign, along with its pathogenesis and clinical pattern. Reading these chapters will provide a clearer understanding of the methods leading to clinically accurate pattern identification. ...

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