Caballero Benjamin - Guide to nutritional supplements

Author : Caballero Benjamin
Title : Guide to nutritional supplements
Year : 2009

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Preface. The use of dietary supplements continues to increase worldwide. In the US, sales of dietary supplement is reaching $30 billion per year, but their use transcend cultural barriers, and dietary supplement products now can be found virtually anywhere in the world. One reason for the widespread use of dietary supplements is the increasing concern in the general population about diet-related chronic diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, limited access to preventive health care (particularly in the US) may encourage people to selfmedicate, as a means to reduce any perceived risk of disease. Claims on the curative properties of dietary supplements abound, many times based on individual testimonials or unsubstantiated data. Still, most health practitioners are likely to confront the decision of whether to recommend (or to allow) a nutritional supplement, based on their own experience and on the best scientific evidence available. This compilation of articles from the acclaimed EHN focuses on nutritional supplements1. These include the traditional, well-known substances such as vitamins and major minerals, present in most diets consumed by humans. They also include other food constituents such as certain fatty acids and amino acids, fiber, carotenoids, and other compounds. Some of these may not have a defined nutritional role, but do affect health by their involvement in specific physiological functions. In addition, several chapters describe key biological mechanisms related to dietary supplement effects, such as cellular antioxidant activity. We trust that the scientific information provided in this compilation will assist the health care professional and the educated consumer in making reasonable choices when dealing with the sometimes limited evidence on supplements’ effects. We also hope that this book will provide a scientific basis for assessing the validity of claims and indications of the ever increasing number of supplements that are coming into the market. Benjamin Caballero. Johns Hopkins University, Maryland USA. ...

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