Bruce Robert - Astral dynamics

Author : Bruce Robert
Title : Astral dynamics A new approach to Out-of-body experience
Year : 1999

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Foreword. Traveling to other dimensions using one's finer astral body has always intrigued man, as have levitation, invisibility, and time travel. Throughout the 20th century, many fine books have been written about these topics. For over a quarter century, I have been fascinated by the Astral World and the possibility of astral travel. My introduction to this enticing subject came in the form of tattered old copies of Robert Crookall's Astral Projection: A Record of Out-of-Body Experiences and Case-book for Astral Projection. My next encounter with astral projection was H. F. Prevost Battersby's Man Outside Himself. As I continued reading about astral projection and out-of-body experiences (OBE), works by Fox, Muldoon, Powell, Smith, and "YRAM" cluttering my desk and shelves. Each book glimpsed into the astral world and higher levels. I read time and time again how many had made astral trips, bringing back words of encouragement, prophecy and descriptions of exciting "worlds" beyond ours. It soon became evident to both myself and colleagues that a newer, easier and more reliable method of projecting out-of-body must be developed, and a tutorial written, to assist first-time (and even advanced) students on their quest. It was of utmost importance that this work be written to answer students' questions and, furthermore, to assist the seasoned researcher in conducting theoretical studies and practical experiments. Therefore, an author of such a guide should be well versed in the theory, practice and behavioral aspects of such a multidimensional undertaking. Each author, however, left me slightly empty — always expecting more, but always getting less than I anticipated. Some works provided a deep philosophical theory of astral travel with no practical application. Others, though expertly written, gave some practical applications but no logical theory backing up the author's assumptions. Lastly, there were hundreds of books containing case study after case study documenting people who suddenly, and without apparent reason, experienced OBEs. Although descriptions were meticulous, these guides contained nothing but a series of good and intriguing stories. I longed for still more. Finally in the early spring of 1996, I discovered Mr. Robert Bruce's work on the Internet. In a series of constantly updated articles, I realized he was introducing an excitingly innovative approach to out-of-body projection and astral travel. An approach which included sound yet radically different theory, detailed practical experiments and, finally, individual case studies. In these studies, the reader meets many people who tried his new techniques and experiments and experienced almost immediate results in projection. I also discovered, while reading his on-line comments and correspondences, that Robert meticulously tried and retested his experiments: going down many blind alleys and often into some frightening situations, discovering the best and safest avenue for the would-be projector. In some cases, his journeys caused psychical and astral shock. In plain, jargon-free descriptions, Robert lays bare his fears, hopes and dreams. He also outlines many potential problems and practical solutions awaiting the student of astral travel. Over the months, I became an admirer of Robert's works and in September 1996 began corresponding with this Australian mystic and arcane experimenter. Robert, a true perfectionist, is constantly fine-tuning his experiments and theories. In this latest endeavor, Astral Dynamics, Robert takes his readers on a fascinating mystical, scientific and arcane journey into the astral dimension and beyond. This wonderful book has the potential for allowing anyone, regardless of spiritual or metaphysical training, to achieve a conscious exit from their body and to travel through the various levels of finer worlds. In an easily understood and well-illustrated format, Robert slowly guides reader out of body and into this world of wonder and excitement. Astral Dynamics consists of over five years of constant revisions, experiments, research, and personal insight. It is sad this book did not exist twenty-five years ago when I started my quest. My path would have been far less rocky and my results and discoveries far more amazing if it had. Professor C.E.Lindgren D. Lit. ...

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