Boyhan George E. - Growing vegetables organically

Authors : Boyhan George E. - Granberry Darbie - Kelley W. Terry - McLaurin Wayne
Title : Growing vegetables organically
Year : 1999

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Garden Location. The garden should have a southern exposure (south side of your home) or be in an open field if at all possible. There should be a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight at the chosen location. A welldrained site even after a heavy rain is ideal. Poor drainage may be improved by regrading, digging ditches, installing a tile drain field, or adding organic matter. Nearby trees and shrubs may have extensive root systems that may interfere with water and nutrient uptake of plants at your site. Locate the site to minimize or avoid this problem. As a last resort, consider removal of trees and shrubs that may interfere with production. Land with a slope of 1.5 percent or greater (18- inch elevation change in 100 feet) should be avoided or terraced to prevent runoff and soil erosion. Contour planting, which is setting the rows to follow the contour of the land, can also help with runoff problems. The site should also have a water supply nearby. Sites with serious weed problems such as nutsedge, Bermuda grass, or kudzu should be avoided unless adequate measures are taken to control them. This does not preclude using these sites, but considerable work is required to remove and control these weeds. You should consider fencing the site if you have a significant wild animal population nearby. Deer, raccoons, and rabbits, to name a few, may become problems. Domestic animals such as dogs may also become a problem because many like to dig. Fences as high as 6 feet, an electric fence, or some combination may be required to control animals such as deer. Finally, for convenience, a location near the house is desirable. ...

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