Hammer Carl - Expedient B & E Tactics and techniques for bypassing alarms and defeating locks

Author : Hammer Carl
Title : Expedient B & E Tactics and techniques for bypassing alarms and defeating locks
Year : 1992

Link download : Hammer_Carl_-_Expedient_B_and_E.zip

Breaking and entering is a fairly common intelligence technique employed in all types of secret warfare. There have been many successful entry operations that have been of vital importance. One such operation, now well documented, took place in Chicago in 1941. A team of operatives led by naval intelligence agent Willis George performed a covert entcy into the office of Stephen Ziggly, a German spy who posed as a businessman. The search of his office produced sufficient evidence to break up one German spy ring and put Ziggly in jail. (After the war, Willis George wrote a book about his experiences as a government burglar. This book has now been reprinted by Paladin Press under the original title Surreptitious Entry.) On the othee hand, a failed or, even worse, detected and exposed entry operation could easily be a public humiliation for the intelligence service employing the exposed field operatives. This has happened on several occasions, always with serious consequences. For these reasons, every entry operation must be prepared and executed elficiently. Although the situation and the target area always will be different from one operation to the next, this volume aims to point out the most commonly used entry techniques and explain how to ernploy them in the most expedient manner, whatever the situation. The field operative must himself consider which options would bevalidand which ones would be unsuitable. ...

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