Strand Ray D. - What your Doctor Doesn't Know about nutritional medicine may be killing you

Author : Strand Ray D.
Title : What your Doctor Doesn't Know about nutritional medicine may be killing you
Year : 2002

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PHYSICIANS ARE DISEASE-ORIENTED. WE STUDY DISEASE. WE LOOK for disease. We are pharmaceutically trained to treat disease. And in order to do so, we know our drugs. In medical school we study pharmacology and learn how the body absorbs each drug, and when and how the body excretes it. We know which drugs disrupt certain chemical pathways to create a therapeutic effect. We learn the side-effect profiles of drugs, and we work carefully to balance the benefits against any potential danger. Physicians know their drugs and don’t hesitate to prescribe them. Consider for a moment the number of drugs that our patients are taking for high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, heart disease, and depression, to name just a few. As a result of the discovery and use of antibiotics in the war against infectious disease, our philosophy in medicine has become: attack disease. The medical community has carried this aggressive attitude and approach into the twenty-first century in the attempt to treat all the various chronic degenerative diseases. A study estimates that in 1997, pharmacies filled more than 2.5 billion retail prescriptions in the United States alone. The sale of prescription drugs has more than doubled in just the past eight years! ...

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