Saltmarsh Mike - Essential guide to food additives

Author : Saltmarsh Mike
Title : Essential guide to food additives
Year : 2013

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Preface. The purpose of the Essential Guide to Food Additives is to provide a legal and technical understanding of the use of additives in food. It is intended to be an objective guide in an area that is often characterised by overheated discussion. The first edition was published in 2000 and was sufficiently successful that two further editions were published, in 2003 and 2008, to incorporate the additions and removals of additives and to recognise amendments to legislation. The publication of the Food Improvement Agents Regulations in the EU in 2011 introduced a new approach to the legislation and necessitated a complete revision of the chapter on European food legislation. At the same time the opportunity has been taken for a complete revision of the text. All chapters have been rewritten and an additional chapter on the development of European food legislation has been included to provide a historical context to assist understanding of food law as it stands in 2012. The principle of the Guide has always been that the contributions on individual additives have been produced or edited by experts on that class of additive. The first edition was created with the assistance of some 49 individual contributors from the EU and USA. This edition has benefited from updates by a number of these contributors and new contributions from a further 13 experts. I am extremely grateful to these contributors whose efforts keep the guide accurate and up to date as I appreciate that it is very difficult to find the time for additional projects in a busy work schedule. A list of the contributors to this new edition will be found at the back of the book. As ever, there will be those reading this volume who have additional information on particular additives. Comments and contributions are always welcome and with them the next edition will be better. ...

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